
We’re so excited to launch our new service, call.AOTV. Our unique call management portal ensures you reach the right event on time. A single platform that enables speakers to jump between events as we manage everything technical behind the scenes. With Call.AOTV we can have an unlimited amount of speakers cued up in the waiting room before we connect them to a live event. Once connected, an operator will see the active connection and route you through to a call slot. Enabling and disabling slides, diagnosing connection problems and replacing speakers is now just a few clicks for our operators.

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We’re constantly trying to improve the speaker and event organiser experience, ensuring a stress free environment so everyone can concentrate on delivering great content. Previously we were hanging hundreds of unique links for speakers, or running multiple machines to ensure we had all event speakers cued up and ready to go. Now we can save the client time and cost by managing the experience from one platform, call.AOTV.

Our custom clicker interface allows for remote control of PowerPoint, Keynote and Google Slides

Event organisers love that we can tell when a speaker has accessed the platform, and feedback valuable information about their connection. They’ve also fed back on how important it is to have all the features in one platform. With Call.AOTV you can control your slides, chat with other speakers in a green room, watch the live stream and more; all on a single web page.

Raise a hand to the assigned moderator, enabling effort free interaction behind the scenes from panelists

We’ve successfully trialed the system in a closed beta before a few real world events. Clients have loved the experience so far and really appreciate the time saved by directing all speakers to one link

We have a feature rich roadmap and are super excited where this could take us. If you’d like a demo then please do reach out!


Presenter Updates


Integrating video conferencing